The pandemic of our day is an unprecedented public health challenge. But COVID-19 is not a barrier for people with visible or invisible disabilities. People with skills can and do turn distance into opportunity. They combine design with care, utilize technology and innovate by offering solutions. They prove every day that they can continue to work, to fall in love, to envision. They can live beyond the distance and every limitation!
Inspiring Presentations
The pandemic of the day is an unprecedented public health challenge. But people with abilities can and do turn distance into opportunity. They prove every day that they can continue to work, to fall in love, to envision. They can live beyond the distance and every limitation! The distance may keep us away, but this year Unlimited Abilities Days is even more accessible. And because for us distance is not a limitation… Distant Abilities for 2020. In November we tune in to our computer or mobile screens and get inspired by stories of people through a series of interviews that break taboos and break out of the trivial. A multidimensional online event involving civil society actors, social entrepreneurs, young people – people with skills!
Design serving “Humane” Causes
The Hackathon “Design & Care” art competition aims to combine design with caring for and empowering vulnerable groups. In a matter of public health but also life, design and social marketing come to provide the solution. At this year’s Design & Care Hackathon 2020 online competition, artists innovate and remotely design “Re-action” T-shirt prints. the importance of organ donation and the increase of transplants with the activation of citizens Transplantation is the second chance for life and the COVID-19 pandemic can not stand in the way.
in matters of Health & Inclusion
This year, in 2020, the “Challenge” could not be other than the strengthening of the great effort made in our country to raise public awareness about the importance of organ donation. Transplantation is the second chance at life and the COVID-19 pandemic can not stand in the way. There is no transplant without a transplant and this can only be changed through operations. Acts of solidarity that cost only 1 click. A click and a photo that will highlight the leadership ability of each of us, to drag our neighbor into a chain of life.
We sincerely Thank our Sponsors